Saturday 23 July 2016

粽子 Galore 3 : Kee Chang with Homemade Azuki Beans Paste and Japanese Chestnuts

golden delicious
Passion for 粽子- making raged on unawarely into the fourth sessions, and not a whisper of discontent was heard though signs of fatigue were crawling upon on our willowy bodies. In last three weeks, We had filled our happy bellies with three types of savoury bak-changs : taiwaneseindonesian and multigrain and now yearned for a sweet one. The uber-popular Kee Chang, naturally came to our minds but a plain one posed no challenge to a bunch of adventure seekers. So, we decided to elevate this plain Jane two notch up with a luxurious filling of homemade azuki beans and Jap fresh chestnuts.    
magnificient rock
birds of a feather flock together

science lab
Before you flop onto the bed for the day, get the glutinous rice soak with the lye water. The lye rock is readily available in dry grocey store and I got this rock for free ( for being a regular patron ) and a 33% discount for the raffia strings (cheap thrill). Place the lye rock in a small container and fill up with some warm water. In the next few seconds, a whiff of alkaline filter up to your nose. About 5 minutes, I pour them into a bigger bowl and add tap water for the rock to further dissolve. The warm water speed up this process. Let the rinsed glutinous rice submerged in the lye water, water level at least two inches above the rice, add more tap water if necessary. After a goodnight rest, the rice would be ready for the final league. Give the soaked rice a rinse after disposing the lye water and drain them well. Set aside.

lye bath

Likewise, get the azuki beans paste done a day or two before. This bag of beans was hand-carried from my last holiday in Takayama, an old samurai town with large acres of rice fields and needless  to say, sake flowing through the town.

across d south china sea
Soak the azuki beans for at least 8 hours. Fill the pot of beans with water, about two inches above the beans level. Add a teaspoon of seasalt and boil over low fire for an hour. Turn off fire and use hand blender to grind into a thick paste. The paste would still be rough. Press the paste against a big sieve and dispose the rough remains. Invert the sieve and scrape up the silky bean paste into a clean bowl.

It's certainty hard work but it's worthwhile, I promise you . Homemade smooth sweet potato paste and yam paste are all done this way. When the compliments and praises shower upon you, you'll know what I mean. So, keep on pressing against the sieve !

Next, pour half the corn oil into a hot pan. Stir half the sugar into hot oil and partial melt them.  Pour in all the smooth bean paste together with the mirin and blend well. Sieve the wheat starch on the top and give a quick stir into the paste. Over low fire, keep on stirring and pour in the remaining oils and sugar gradually. The bean paste is ready when you can push it to the side and stick the wooden spoon vertically up. Cooking time is about 30-45 mins. The bean paste should be glossy. Keep the paste chilled for easier rolling .

a rewarding luxury
These Japanese fresh chestnuts are boiled with half teaspoon salt for 45 mins and skin removed after boil. Cut them into two or a third. Chill in fridge as well. Place a piece chestnut in centre of chilled bean paste and roll into a ball.  Scoop a tablespoon of rice into the folded leaf and place the bean ball in the centre, followed by two more big scoops of rice. Read Indonesia Bak Chang for the wrapping process.

d Japs
hidden gem

hang on on the way
Boil for two hours covered over medium fire and the water level must be above the dumplings throughout the boiling. Add a tablespoon sea salt into boiling water.

you'll get about 30 small medium

1000g glutinous rice
30 - 35g lye rock

15 Japanese fresh chestnuts

Azuki Bean Paste

500g azuki beans
250g sugar ( half brown is fine) ,  or to taste
1 tablesppon wheat starch
1/2 cup corn oil
1 tablespoon lard
1 tbsp sesame oil
1/2 tbsp mirin

有粽子   甜甜蜜蜜
Workshop @ Palate Sensations Singapore - 65 64789746

fun quote:    笑一笑,十年少(xiào yī xiào,shí nián shào) - Just one laugh makes the person ten years younger. Happiness is the best cosmetic.
Cook as to how you like to eat it, join me if we share the same taste. PaulaCookingFingers

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authorTan Paula