Monday 25 April 2016

Traditional Chinese Medicine

This box of Po Chai pills travels with me on holiday, or stays in the fridge as emergency assistance (A&E) . Whenever abrupt visitations to the lavatory from food adventure's hipcups, I can count on two small packs to get me up and going without wasting two hours in the clinic. I do not have any food allergy, however certain combination of them put me in living hell. Here is one such situation on a beautiful Sunday.

What other better recreation on a lazy sunday afternoon for two ladies than sitting by big glass windows siping tea, schmearing scones, and watching shoppers strolling by? A little gossip sweetened the conversation and exchange of compliments polished each other egos. We lavished on a pot of lovely smooth TWG Imperial Rose and scones, followed by two orders of fish mains. I had a deluxe pan-fried black cod served on oriental vegetables: ni bai mini oyster mushroom and a tasty Korean grain risotto. Towards end of meal, the second pot Signature White Tea was served. Again, I had another steeping hot two cups...ever pleasing again.

Within 15 mins after the last cup of tea, I started to sense a turbulence building up in my stomach and soon waves of tsunami were pounding inside. Beads of cold perspiration covered forehead and neck. I wished there was a stretcher to carry me out of the cafe to the lavatory. After an hour or so, I was able to make my way home....po chai yun to the rescue! 

Companion was in perfect health. The sudden attack shocked the stomache muscles and I was on very light meals the next two days....a gourmand's greed.

tummy turbulence

food quote:   良药苦口(liáng yào kǔ kǒu) - a good medicine tastes bitter.
Cook as to how you like to eat it, join me if we share the same taste PaulaCookingFingers

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authorTan Paula